Monday, 11 October 2010

Media 2.0

Flew suggested that the Internet stands out because it is networked, interactive and enables two way communication. Flew also suggested that the internet allows users to be both producers and consumers of the content.

In contrast to the past, before the development of the internet audiences can now be seen to be both producers and consumers of content. This is evident on sites such as 'YouTube' as the audience are able to not only watch and comment on videos, but upload and create their own videos. Social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook also allow audiences to be both prouducers and consumers. MySpace allows consumers to upload their own music and get reviews on it, as well as enabling audiences to watch and subscribe to other's music.

The shift from Media 1.0 to Media 2.0 allows the task of creating a promotional package for an album release a lot easier. Instead of having to physically take the package to people to get feedback and to promote it, you can just upload it online and get instant feedback off the target audience. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace are perfect for promoting artists.

As David Gauntlett suggests we no longer get fed the views of the corporations such as the bbc and have to work our life around their schedules, we can now take control of our own media, producing and watching media products in an accessible and most often free alternative using the internet. The media world has shifted from a 'Push' media to a 'Pull' media.

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