Friday, 8 October 2010

Theroists on Music Videos: Goodwin

Goodwin has identified a number of key features in music videos, I have tried to find the best example of a video that encorporates as many of these features as possible. Although I feel that the major flaw in these categorisations is that they are too broad to allow a tight encompassing of a particular genre to a music video, as it is difficult to find a video that has all of these aspects integrated. However it is obvious that these are common traits in individual videos.

-A relationship between the lyrics and visual, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics. (The song is about 'partying in the usa' and the video is literally, a party in the usa)

- A relationship between the music and visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music. (Edits are cut on the beat, the choreography is in time with the music, Miley Cyrus mimes to the lyrics and the visuals are interpreted from the essence of the lyrics and music)

- Genre related style and iconography present. (The song has a country style rhythm and melody and the visuals reflect this with the mise-en-scene of a texas desert, with westernised cars and props and costumes with 'dukes of hazard' hot pants and cowboy boots, with american flags highly prominent in the background)

- Intertextual references to other media texts may be present. (References to 'Jay Z song was on' / 'I see the Hollywood sign' / 'The Britney song was on')

- Multiple close ups of the main artist or vocalists. (A mixture of shots ranging from wide to extreme closee ups of the lead singer, frequently throughout the video)

- Voyeurism often plays a major part, especially in relation to females. (Numerous shots of women dancing suggestively from the lead singer, to girls dancing in the background, in a more voyeuristic manner)

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